Congratulations to Paula Westhead from Freeman Brothers Funeral Directors – nomination received from Becky Hughes.
“Paula is the glue holding our team together! Her admin work is second to none, and she’s often the first person people speak to when they call us. Paula is universally popular at the company, with everyone from Funeral Arrangers to Funeral Operatives, and she is incredibly patient. She listens to everyone she meets, keen to learn more about them and their interests, and quick to recommend a book or film they might like.
We’re looking forward to having our Christmas party back as she’s the one encouraging us all to have fun on the dancefloor! Her family has expanded by two further grandchildren during COVID, and one of her daughters is about to get married – during 2020, Paula only took one full week of annual leave, so she deserves spoiling and a chance to enjoy the wedding festivities.”